Tess Guinery
The Stars Nodded by Tess Guinery
A colorful picture book; an ode to dreaming, for little and big people alike.
'The Stars Nodded' was created from Tess Guinery's recent body of work ‘The Moonflower Monologues’ —extended and adapted into a creative ode for little people and big people alike. It was written with a passionate sense of movement and aliveness for the dance that life is. During the process of creating this little book of dreaming, Tess imagined it being read almost as a prayer over growing hearts and minds as heads lay gently upon pillows before bed. She envisioned it to be spoken much like a chorus to the dreaming and a catalyst for the big and colourful kind of thinking. Although this book seemingly leans to the littler of growing hearts, Tess see's it being held by the older hearts too. “Words are powerful enough to build worlds”.
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